Personally Curated Projects

Crystal Click Game

Crystals Collector Game This is a guessing game using numbers where the player will guess with numbers. There will be four crystals displayed as buttons on the page. The player will be shown a random number at the start of the game. When the player clicks on a crystal it will add a specific amount of points to the player's total score. The player wins the game if their total score matches the random number and the player loses the game if their total score goes above the random number. The amount of points each crystal adds is not shown to the player, but their total score is displayed and updated after each crystal is clicked. The number of games won and lost will be displayed. If the player successfully matches their total score to the random number they get 1 win, if the player's total score is above the random number the player get 1 loss, either way the game restarts. When the game is restarted, the player will be shown a new random number, all the crystals will now have 4 different hidden values, and the player's total score is reset to 0.

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Starwars RPG

When the game starts, select your character by clicking on their picture. Conquer all of the remaining enemies for the duration of the game (they will be moved to a different area of the screen upon defeat). Choose your opponent by clicking on their picture and upon doing this the enemy will be moved to the ‘defender area’. This allows you to ‘attack’. Whenever you attack, the enemy will lose HP (shown at the bottom of the defender’s picture). The enemy will instantly counter your attacks so be careful not to lose your HP first! Whoever is the first to lose all HP is declared the loser. Good luck, and may the force be with you. Built with jQuery, Javascript, HTML, and CSS

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Game of Thrones Quiz

A timed Game of Thrones quiz built with jQuery. Questions will be shown one at a time until all questions are answered and or your time is up. Once the quiz is complete, the final screen will show the number of correct answers, incorrect answers, and an option to restart the game. Definitely more entertaining than the last season of Game of Thrones

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Giphy: A Gif Generator

This is an application built with the Giphy API. This app displays buttons related to a certain topic and allows you to add search terms to generate additional buttons that when clicked, accesses the GIPHY API and generates static GIPHY images. It also takes the entered search term topics from a user input box to dynamically create buttons. Click on an image to pause or play the GIF.

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Train Tracker

An application built using Firebase to host arrival and departure times and makes use of moment.js to retrieve and manipulate this data. Train Tracker provides up to date information on various trains and the remaining time until they arrive at their respective station.

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This application makes use of Node.js, the Spotify API, Axios, and Moment.js. Essentially, this is a play off of Apple’s Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface), except my version is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. This is a Command Line Node application that takes in user parameters and gives data back. This is a CLI Application so functionality can be seen in your Terminal/Command Line or you can take a look at the gif in the README!

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An Amazon-like storefront built with MySQL and makes use of the inquirer NPM package. The application takes in orders from customers and depletes stock from the store’s inventory based on each order. This is a CLI Application so functionality can be seen in your Terminal/Command Line or you can take a look at the gif in the README!

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Friend Finder

This is a compatibility based application that serves the purpose of dating app. A fullstack project that takes in results from users’ surveys and compares their answers with those of other users. The application then displays the name and picture of the user with the best match. Makes use of express to handle routing and is hosted on Heroku.

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Sushi Sequel

A restaurant application that lets users input the names of sushi they’d like to eat. Whenever a user submits a sushi name, the application will display the sushi on the left side of the page in the waiting area. Each sushi has a “Devour it!” button that, when clicked, will move the sushi to the right side of the page. Regardless of being devoured, every sushi will be stored in a database. Makes use of MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, and Sequelize’s ORM methods. Follows the MVC design pattern (Uses Node and MySQL to query and route data, and Handlebars to generate HTML).

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A web application that allows users to view and leave comments on the latest news. Makes use of Mongoose and Cheerio to scrape news from other websites.

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TODO:finish this section once done